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EMpower Connect

A single account that supports your FX and cross-border payment needs across hundreds of currencies

Access a global payments network including correspondents in more than 100 markets, all from a single UK regulated bank account.

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With local currency payments you are able to remove dollar dependency from the process.

Enable your clients to transact with their suppliers in a chosen local currency while maintaining network cost control.

Simplify correspondent banking

An extensive network accessed via a single account; straightforward process flow; efficient settlement. 

Enable convenience

End users can pay in the recipient’s native currency rather than an intermediate currency.

Increase revenue

Potential to introduce new FX and payments revenue streams.

Reduce costs for you

Cost and infrastructure savings via the introduction of a single, centralised account.

Reduce costs for your clients

Savings and discounts from foreign suppliers due to mitigation of unnecessary FX conversions at the recipient’s end.

Reach more markets

Hundreds of currencies available.

Introduce transparency

Complete, real-time visibility of transaction and pricing.