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EMpower Payments

Unlock more currencies and markets, through a single, API-enabled connection

Contact us

An end-to-end automated payments gateway for cross-border payments to banks and mobile wallets in hard-to-reach markets.

Transact in more than 100 currencies, all from a single platform. Benefit from reliable, market-beating deferred settlement services and optimised liquidity underpinned by a unique, differentiated network and industry-leading technology. Automate reconciliation with rich, real-time data via API on all your accounts and activity.

Work with market experts

deep hard-to-reach markets experience

Save money

competitive pricing and settlement with 100+ currencies

Save time

Seamless error-resolution, end-to-end automation and continuous, optimised validations and constraints

Gain transparency

monitor real-time transaction statuses and flexible reporting

Access via a range of channels

SWIFT, local bank, mobile

Fast set up

a unified interface supporting instruction via API and GUI.

Ensure compliance

established compliance controls

24/7 support

full technical support, including operations and engineering teams

A simple, powerful API




Fund locally, issue payments to mobile wallets globally, with automatic provider detection and foreign exchange.

                        POST /api/pay HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Segovia signature=(hmac-sha256 hex)
"clientId": "companyName",
  "requestId": "aa67f1ab",
  "callbackArgs": { "reference": 29489213 },
  "transactions": [{
    "transactionId": "27befd5b-d149",
    "provider": "autodetect",
    "payerAccountId": "93174142",
    "recipientAccountId": "8402910242",
    "amount": 125,
    "currency": "KES",
    "name": "Jane Doe"